Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter/baby shower/fine family fun

I kinda feel like boo-boo today (that's a Mike Tinnin term). Still not sure if it's a cold or allergies (or both), but I've got the sneezing, headache, fatigue, runny nose blahness (yes, that's a word). I can't even blame it on Monday (although I did blame the fact that I couldn't count out 9 days on the calendar earlier on being Monday). My biggest goal for today is to go home and go to bed. It's good to have goals.

Did everyone have a good Easter? Who else got that weird weather? Yesterday, I awoke to giant snow flakes falling from the sky (I also awoke to Grandpa's big mouth, but that's a whole nother story...), later in the day it was sunny, then it snowed again followed by some ice pellets, then it was snowing WITH the sun shining......very odd indeed. I took some pictures to illustrate, but something is not working correctly and I'm not able to get them downloaded (uploaded? whatever). Suffice it to say, it was weird.

Despite not feeling 100%, the weekend was a good one. My sister and brother-in-law Jon were in town from Dallas and my parents and brother were here from Salem. Friday I hung out with my girls Tanya and Allison at several bars (the best of which was the one where the dudes paid for our drinks all night. I am NOT above letting some drunk dude pay for my drinks). We were at OB Clarks and saw a few of the Blues players, the only one I really recognized was Keith Tchakuk. Apparently with him was Marty Ruczinsky and Eric Johnson (who I later found out was having a birthday!). We tried not to be those people that gawked....our whole point in going out was to watch NCAA basketball. Allison drew up some brackets for Tanya and I who basically had no idea what in the hell was going on. Thanks Allison!

Saturday, I was running behind from the get-go (which I hate, I am usually early everywhere I go), I still had to get the gift for Ashlee and Ben, pick up my sister and go to Grandpa's to get my mom. I managed to do all this and only arrive at Grandpa's about 40 minutes late.......let me tell you that driving to Wentzville with my mother is a bit of a treat. God love her, but she doesn't merge well, or handle driving in the city well..... :) We managed to make it safely to Aunt Mary's house. Ashlee is such a cute prego! :) I think the Batto clan wasn't real sure what to do with us Baumgartner women because all we did was laugh hysterically about things that weren't all that funny the entire time......(like poor Aunt Cheryl's narcolepsy). Re-enactment is below:
We hung out at Aunt Mary's for a bit after the shower because the boys (Uncle Ron, my cousin Ben and my brother) decided to kill time by going to Dave and Busters and they wanted to "play one more game" (I kept yelling "stop playing Whack-a-mole and get your butts home....I later learned that they don't have whack-a-mole anymore because PETA or someone like that got mad and said it was cruel....whatever). Once we finally returned to Grandpa's, Mom, Dad, Tim and I went over to Mitch and Bonny's house (Mitch is my dad's friend who recently had brain surgery). Considering he just had surgery 2 weeks ago, Mitch looked pretty good, but still made me very sad because he didn't look like himself. And because of the lung cancer, he no longer has a voice. This is a loud, boistrous man who loved to tell stories and, God love him, despite having no voice, was still doing his best to tell those wild stories (my favorites are of when he and dad lived in Florida and were beach bums for a year...surfing and, according to my dad, "meditating" on the beach.....uh, yea right!). My dad has been friends with him for something like 40 years, it's just sad to see someone you've known your entire life be so sick.

Saturday night was the night of No Sleep. Ugh. So, grandpa's basement was flooded, meaning, going down there to sleep probably not the best idea. So, Tim and I got to camp out in Grandpa's living room. I got the love seat (now, I know I am not a big girl, but still, the love seat was a bit cramped) and Timbo got the floor. I had one of those nights where you were kinda asleep but could still hear everything around you (especially Grandpa's big mouth at 7am asking "are you still sleeping?" Uh no, I'm not). Plus, I wasn't feeling well, so it made for a joyful Easter morning.... :) Church was good, full of the Chri-easter church going crowd, we spent the early part of the afternoon flipping between the Cardinals pre-season game and the Blues game (which they ended up losing, go figure). Dinner was at Aunt Jan's. The food was yummy (thanks so much for my to go package, Aunt Jan!) and the fam was as loud, silly and fun as usual. I got teary eyed when my sister and Jon left (I just miss them so much and hate them living so far away). I don't think it's too much to ask for everyone I love to be near me. Is it??????? :) Anyway, after enduring half my drive home in snow so thick I could barely see (again, I took pictures to illustrate, but can't upload them right now...), I got home, took some tylenol cold medicine, watched Rock of Love (glad that dumb Megan finally got the boot) and went to bed. And slept like a rock.

And now it's morning and the cycle of working all week has begun again. Yahoo.

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