Thursday, March 06, 2008

I'm a junkie

I can't stop. I tried, but I can't stop. I'm talking about these damn Girl Scout cookies. I can't stop eating them! I've realized the only solution is to just eat ALL of them. I don't even think methadone maintenance would help my urges to use at this point. I need the sugar high. I am convinced there is crack cocaine in the Thin Mints. OMG, I have the shakes.......probably post-acute withdrawal thing you know I'll be diaphoretic, tremulus and spiking a pulse of 120 (can you tell I've done one too many substance abuse assessments today?).

My boss literally kicked my ass today. She called me to her desk, asked me to turn around and she kicked me in the ass! If that ain't workplace violence, then I don't know what is. She also told me to f**k off, but in a totally unrelated incident. I might have been provoking her, I don't know.... :) She later came into my cubicle and I gave her a Thin Mint as a peace offering. I'm not sure it helped.

Whoa, I just got really sleepy. Think I may be crashing from my sugar/caffeine high...uh oh. At least I'm not just sitting in my cubicle laughing for no reason like Mike is-he is apparently having a psychotic break. And our team lead Cathy is sniffing markers in her cubicle. We clearly don't have enough to do today......


Anonymous said...

Ooooh . . . I love the chocolate covered caramel Girl Scout cookies

Broker said...

On the topic . . . is it ok to eat cookies for breakfast . . . my four-year-old has been asking for hot dogs w/cheese in the middle for breakfast to accompany her chocolate milk. Whatever! I'm just glad she's eating breakfast. They are the turkey dogs, of course!!

And . . . if you are starting to talk about the Cubs, then I can still mention that the Patriots got their asses handed to them in the Superbowl. Woohoo!

Anonymous said...

Broker, that can't be right. If the media has taught us nothing else with their constant fawning over Tom Brady, it's that he is perfect and would NEVER lose a big game like the Super Bowl.

Broker said...

Ahhh, so true. BUT, Brady did decide to drop out of the Pro Bowl . . . what a wimp! I guess all that cheating got them nowhere, this year anyway. Some of the Rams players have a lawsuit against the team . . . that'll be interesting to watch!!