Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I kicked my own ass

I did-seriously. I went jogging last night after I got home from watering Auntie C's flowers. I pushed myself to go quickly because my Cubbies were on at 6:10 and I got home at 5:55. So, I tried to run most of my route rather than walk it, which went fine, I was able to do it. But let me tell ya-the rest of the night, every time I got up to do something, I was a' hurtin'! OUCH! I am too damn old, apparently.

So, I flipped between watching my Cubs (they lost, but whatever, that Phillies picture is KICK ASS!) and watching Age of Love. I hadn't seen it in several weeks, and was glad to see the Cougars hanging in there! That Amanda girl is a shady biatch! Tattling on what the other ladies said? Kinda immature, dontcha think? I think she may win though. Can't wait for the finale next week....

We are kinda hyper at work today. I had someone in my voicemail report that one of my patients has "fibromalaysia". Last time I checked, it was actually pronounced "fibromyalgia", but whatever. One of our MD's said fibromalaysia is what you catch when you are in southeast Asia......we ain't right. Thanks to Ywinta Jones for being my personal therapist today. What do I owe ya? I miss my Mikey Poo so much! It is soooooo not the same without him here!!!!!


Heidi said...

hilarious about "fibromalaysia". that is as good as the lady who told me her son was not taking his "Zypretzels" as prescribed. ha ha ha

KD said...

zypretzels, huh? thats freakin funny!