Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Age of love

Red, did you watch it last night? That Adelaide girl was so cocky thinking she was gonna win the whole thing and he gave her the boot! HA! She didn't even pack her stuff like everyone else did because she was convinced that she would be staying. That was some fun, good times! Love it. I still favor the Cougars, those young girls are just plain dumb and that one with the curly hair is just plain C-R-A-Z-Y (has she cried on every episode now? It's called "mood stabilizer", look into it, will ya????). Oh, I so love reality TV.....


kristy said...

i love that freaking show! Young mary needs some happy pills! i like the 48 year old one the best...she is hot!

KD said...

Yes, she is hot! Those "old" gals kick ass!!!!

Anonymous said...

That boy is so freaking hot, Kerr! I am also obsessed. It's even better than Charm School. I think Mary has some affective instability. Also, a big shout out to those at BHR who write the most delishus affidavits ever! Saw one the other day that made me laugh for like an hour. Hope all is well, hope to meet the s.o. soon. . .

KD said...

OMG, I'd LOVE to know who it was that did the affidavit.....tell me more! :)