Thursday, July 05, 2007

fireworks, lightning and driving don't mix

Ok, so, driving home from work last night, I was able to see the fireworks from the various communities along the way (Creve Coeur, Kirkwood, Webster Groves, Fair St. Louis), it was very cool to be able to see them, however, I found myself thinking "Oh, how pretty" and then nearly driving off the road (not a good idea by any means). At one point I saw some very nice fireworks that were quite impressive (it may have been Creve Coeur's) and then I realized some of the "pretty pretty lights" were, in fact, lightning. NOT fireworks. Well, God's fireworks, I guess. I saw many cars pulled off on the highway to watch the displays. I, on the otherhand, managed to not swerve off the road, drove straight home and prayed my South City hoosier neighbors would stop shooting off fireworks sometime before 2:00am (hell, they've been shooting them off all week, so surely they were about out of them????).

So, it's back to work today. Traffic wasn't bad at all-think most people are just saying "screw it" and taking the rest of the week off? Wish I'd had that idea. Instead, I'm working both jobs today (somehow, I think the crisis line will be a bit busier tonight than it was last night. I took FOUR calls in FOUR hours last night. A bit on the boring side-so, me being the goofball that I am, I entertained my co-workers by putting American flags in my ponytail and parading around the office like I was Miss USA. You don't have to tell me, I already know I'm not right). I could be going to the Cardinals game with Tagg tonight, however, duty calls, must save mental health lives, dontcha know?

I can't think of anything else to ramble about right now as the Diet Dr Pepper has not quite kicked in. I'm sure I'll have some more pearls of wisdom later in the day that I will share with y'all. Stay on the edge of your seat.......

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