Thursday, July 26, 2007


Tagg told me he heard the Cardinals were gonna win tonight, so I shouldn't get my broom out to do some sweepin'......and then he woke up from his delusional fantasy (I think some Risperdal may help him with that). My Cubs are kickin' ass, y'all! And the Brew Crew lost last night! HELL YEA! The boys are only 2 games out of first place and only 0.5 games back for the wild card. Oh, it's gettin' good people, it's gettin' good! :) I am like a kid in a candy store, seriously. Can you tell I'm excited????

So, the crisis line was some good times last night. I got mostly frequent callers which is always fun-they entertain me to no end. I will be there again tonight for some more fun and excitement.

I think I was having weird dreams last night. I don't remember any of them now, but just have a feeling I was having them. I'm weird, I know.....So, I'm dog sitting for a dog that has tapeworm this weekend (sorry Miss Chloe Bear-you know your auntie loves you!), having girls nite out, going to the Cards game (where they had BEST win seeing as they are playing the Brew Crew and all), and working-all in one weekend. Should be great.

Ok, time for me to eat my breakfast-yuuuuummmm, dry cereal and Diet Dr Pepper. :)


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