Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July y'all!

Hope everyone is having a good 4th of July. I am spending it at work-yay for me. I've been here for an hour and have taken ONE call. Gonna be a loooooooong night.....Nevertheless, it's been a good holiday.

The fun started last night as Tagg and I met up with Red and Jon for drinks at Fandango's. We had so much fun! The boys got along great, Red and I yapped a mile a minute (and got just a wee bit tipsy.....), we watched my Cubs win and the Cardinals lose. Tagg and Jon talked about the mythical lands of South of Manchester and Florissant. They really do exist! :)

Today, I slept in a bit then tuned in to watch my Cubbies at 11:00am (a bit early for a baseball game, but whatever). They lost, but, again, whatever. They are playing so well right now that I'm not sweatin' one little ol' loss (and besides, the pesky Brewers lost today too!). After the Cubs game I went for a jog (I'm up to three miles y'all!) then went to the park across the street from my apartment with a blanket, a book and my iPod and just chilled for about an hour. It was heavenly, I tell ya!

I'm working 5pm to 9pm tonight-so no fireworks for me. I would prefer to be with Tagg at his dad's farm, but getting paid time and a half to play on the internet is pretty nice too...... :)

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