Thursday, July 19, 2007

Dad would be pissed......

My dad has an issue with handicapped parking spots. It's true. Red and mom are laughing out loud right now because they know what I'm talking about....Anytime we would be in the car with dad and he's trying to find a parking spot he would, without fail, make a comment about "those damn handicap spots". He'd go on and on about how there is never anyone parked in them, so why can't he? It's a valid question, really. Dontcha think? What prompted me to talk about this, you may ask? Well, they just re-paved the parking lot at the crisis line and in the front lot the first FIVE spaces are all marked as handicapped spots. Dad would NOT be happy. I must say, I made the same observation dad does-there is never anyone parked in them. Not that it's a huge deal since I could definitely benefit from walking an extra 50 feet to the other end of the parking lot, but still. It's the principle, people!

I'm sleepy this morning. I have been struggling to wake up this week for some reason. Maybe it's the heat, I don't know. Whatever it is, I just dread waking up in the morning and hate even more than damn alarm. Why is the alarm such an unpleasant noise? Is that the whole point? That by making it such a horrible sound that you will have no choice but to get your lazy ass up and shut it off? I think I'm on to something here.....

I can't believe it is Thursday already. It's a good thing, because I am pretty much over this week. I'm tired of breathing in paint fumes at the office, tired of the general daily BS I have to deal with, just tired. I'm ready for the weekend. Tagg has suggested we either go bowling tomorrow night or play putt putt golf. Two "sports" I equally suck at, but love to play. Hopefully I'll have the energy to actually do something after work tomorrow. Then again, sitting on the couch reading appeals to me as well, but something tells me Tagg doesn't want to sit and read People magazine with me.......


Heidi said...

I thought the same thing when I pulled into work today. There is never ANYone in those spots.

And what is up with all the other people in this building at night now? Go away, this is our place.

KD said...

Thank you, Heidi. I mean seriously, I am soooo not down w/other people being in the building at night. It's weird....

Anonymous said...

You're right Kerri. Those people without the ability to walk have had it easy for far too long.

KD said...

Canada-you almost made me spit out my Cheerios w/that comment! :) You are such a silly boy..... :)