Tuesday, April 03, 2007

That damn alarm clock

Ok, so the alarm clock went off this morning and my sleepy ass went FLYING out of the bed. It scared the living crap out of me! See, I got a new alarm clock last week and I had not heard what this one sounds like because I almost always wake up before it goes off. Not today. The alarm is the most annoying sound I have ever heard. I had a moment of complete disorientation. I had no idea what day it was, where I was or, quite frankly, who I was. I would have failed the mental status exam for sure-I was soooo not Alert and Oriented x3. I'm a mess.

We are having a Prom King and Queen contest at work. This entails bringing in your old prom pictures for all the world to see. No one wants to see that, first of all. My prom dress was this bright, purple, poofy sleeved monstrosity. And the hair. My god the hair. I mean, I'm sure it was HOT in 1994, but still, I don't think I need to subject my co-workers to that. Do you Salemites remember Stormy's prom dress-the one with the music notes on it? Now that kicked some ass! All I remember is dancing with Jerry Toman to some Celine Dion song. I had a major crush on Jerry Toman, so it was alright with me. Again, people, it was 1994. These things were acceptable back then.

So, it's raining. Half the office is standing at the window to watch. Not sure what that is about, but whatever.

I'm back for Night #3 in a row of working the crisis line tonight. I think I may need the crisis line myself by the end of this 4 day run.....gotta go, my Diet Coke is calling my name.

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