Thursday, April 12, 2007

I am un-breaking up with Mike

I am rescending my request to break up with Mike Tinnin. He is my favorite again! Mikey-I am so gonna miss you when you are in San Diego. Who the hell is gonna entertain me all day at work? I mean, Amy can try, but those are pretty big shoes to fill.....who is gonna quack at me? And meow at me? Who I ask? Who? That's it-I've decided you can't go. It's that simple.

So, we totally had a book fair at work yesterday-fo real. It reminded me of my grade school days when the Bookmobile would come through. Do y'all remember that? I was always so excited to score the latest Babysitters Club book or the hottest sticker book. Bookmobile rules.

So, driving to work today, minding my own business, I'm in the fast lane going the speed limit-I can't go any faster because it is rush hour traffic. There is this A-HOLE behind me who is riding my bumper and is all kinds of actin' a fool. The funny part? There is a cop two lanes over. Not a smart move acting like an A-HOLE in front of a cop. So, being the a-hole that I am, I got over so this A-HOLE could go on and pass me, sure enough, he did, then swerved around the person in front of him and sped off. What happened next, you may ask? Well, I'll tell you, that cop pulled his ass over immediately. See-it does NOT pay to be an A-HOLE. All I could do was laugh.

The voters finally got it right on American Idol last night sending Haley home. I was soooooo over her from the beginning. Check out her cabaret act on a Carnival cruise ship near you! Phil-it's your turn next week! Maybe if you act quickly, you can get in on the same gig as Haley and have a little duet action going on. Just an idea.

I feel like crap today. I want to blame allergies, hope I'm not actually sick because, quite frankly, I am over being sick. But, I have a sore throat, swollen glands, stuffy nose. Today, Mike is accusing me of attention seeking by coughing. Yesterday it was the sneezing. I confessed today that I am making myself sick on purpose purely to torture him. I am that talented.

So, it's 1:30pm and I am completely done with all my work. Shhhhh.....don't tell my boss.

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