Saturday, April 14, 2007

Are we at a football game?

I swear, that's what it felt like last night as we went to the Cardinals game bundled up in our winter coats, with gloves, scarves and blankets. That's not baseball weather! Clearly, as the game was eventually rained out. That didn't stop us from having fun however! It was my first trip to the new Busch Stadium, and I must say, it was very nice. Love the view of The Arch from inside the stadium. You'll be jealous-Red and I got in on the hottest thing to hit Cardinals Nation, since, well...Mark Mulder. Yes, that's right, we got to try the BRATZEL. What the hell is that, you may ask? Well, I'll tell you-it is a bratwurst wrapped in a was actually pretty good, tasted kinda cinnamon-esque. Red and I laughed the entire time we were eating it (the $7 beers may have had something to do with that, not to mention the fact that I am also on antibiotics....). After we left the stadium, we went to this great bar that no one knew existed called Jack Patrick's. It was pretty fun. We had a table by the door-GREAT people watching! From the old people racing each other on the street (with no shirt on) to the couple making out across the street-you couldn't beat it!

I was kinda bummed that I didn't actually get to see a game during my first trip to the new stadium-that changed however, when my brother called me last night and asked if I wanted to go to the game with him today-the game was originally a day game but was pushed back due to the weather (and honestly, sitting here at 2pm, not sure if we'll even get it in tonight as it is still raining...), Tim's friend that was going with him couldn't go because of the time change, so, Tim is on his way to St. Louis right now. Hopefully we'll get the game in! If not, guess we'll sit in my apartment and drink beer and Red Diamond tea (yes Timbo-Shop and Save now has the Splenda kind-I got ya a big ol' jug!).

Well, enough of a break, I must get back to cleaning my apartment. The least joyous thing I can think of. Here's hopin the game takes place tonite! Would it be wrong if I drank Miller Lite? I'm not supporting the Brewers-I SWEAR!


kristy said...

In case others were wondering, that bratzel tasted like a mcgriddle! It was good, but i paid for it the next day!!

KD said...

Girl-I am STILL paying for it...UGH!