Tuesday, April 10, 2007

More of my American Idol ramblings....

Ok, so I missed it last week, but here I am this week, glued to my TV screen. This show is like crack.

KD's take on tonight's performances:

1. Melinda-I agree with Simon. It was kinda blah. Not like she's getting voted off or anything, but still, it was blah.

2. LaKesha-I loved her tonight! And she looked really pretty. She looked like she was having fun out there. I wanna do the conga.....

3. Chris-I am almost totally over Chris. I really think he should just move to Vegas and be a Justin Timberlake impersonator. Really, he'd be great at that.

4. Haley-I am so OVER Haley and her hot pants. You have great legs-we GET IT! You are still gonna end up singing in Branson or on a cruise ship! Deal with it!

5. Phil-It wasn't horrible. It wasn't great either. He'll be in the bottom 3.

6. Jordin-The rhythm got me! The rhythm got me! I found myself tappin' my toes. I think she is my favorite of the girls at this point.

7. Blake-that was HOT! Dude, he was SO the best of the night. LOVE him! Mike, I'm taking him away from you. That little tattooed hottie is MINE! :)

8. Sanjaya-Wow. He was actually kinda good. I doubt he's even in the bottom three. I think this is all part of his master plan. He is gonna start kicking some major ass now and win it all. Ok, maybe not.

Who will be in the bottom 3, you ask (or who should be, anyway)? I'd say Chris, Haley and Phil. I think Haley's time has come. I hear the Carnival cruise ship calling her name. Ahoy!

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