Thursday, April 19, 2007

American Idol justice

Ah, the Sanjaya reign is over. Guess I don't have to go on that hunger strike now, although I was kinda looking forward to it....oh well. So, Shay Shay is gone. You gotta like the kid-not so much for his singing ability, but he is likeable in an oh-he-has-no-idea-that-he's-gay sort of way. He can now get back to the American dream-styling hair by day, cabaret singing by night....after he finishes high school, of course. And what the hell, America? Why was BLAKE in the bottom three? That is some BS right there. Not right.

So, tonight is book club-always love that. I miss the girls. We get to see Cheryl's brand new condo tonight-very exciting!

This weekend is gonna be very, very busy-but that's ok. My mommy will be in town on Saturday-we are having a baby shower for Jessica. I am also attending an employee appreciation dinner at Bevo Mill thrown by my part-time job. A bunch of us are going out afterwards, so that should be fun. I'm having Tanya and Allison over beforehand for a little happy hour, guess I should straighten up the apartment huh? Actually, you'd be impressed, it's pretty clean right now. Shocking, I know, but it's true.

Ok, I have a lot of work to do, no more jackin' around. Happy Thursday to all!

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