Wednesday, April 04, 2007

the craziness can be explained by the full moon....

No Mike-Carnival Cruise ships is calling Hailey's name. Show tunes baby (if they could see me now, out on a fun ship cruise.....)! Yea! Although I'm sure the Baldknobbers, Shoji Tabuchi and Andy Williams would welcome her with open arms down in Branson. Surprised to hear Gina bit it-yea, she wouldn't have won, but if this show is TRULY based on talent, then Hailey, Phil and Shay Shay should have gone before her. Maybe she'll be like Daughtry and end up w/a career anyway. Shay Shay is gonna be on the cover of Tiger Beat magazine (if he isn't already), and Mike is right-can you say "budding homosexual"? I knew you could. Dude, this show has lost it's focus-yet I can't stop watching. It's like crack-laced, or something. Or maybe I've lost my focus as I have put in 20 hours at my part-time job this week and it's only Wednesday (and by 20 hours I actually mean 17-but who's counting?) Sleep please! Next topic.....

So I got told by both jobs this week that I am doing a great job and all that good stuff. Very nice to hear. You like to think you are doing a good job (and I figure, no news is good news), but it is very nice to hear your boss also thinks so (especially when its performance appraisal time...). I do believe the full moon has contributed to the nuttiness this week. It always does. I am glad my four day in a row stint at the crisis line is over (I think many folks thought I had actually moved in since I have been there so much this week. I didn't, by the way). I am exhausted, I won't lie, as I sit here at 10:45pm still awake, knowing I have to get up at 6:30 tomorrow topic........

My Cubs won tonight, not that anyone cares besides me, but they did. I'm most excited because Aramis Ramirez went 3 for 5 tonight and he is on my fantasy thanks Aramis! After 2 games, the Pirates and the Brewers are in first place. Let them have their glory. It won't last. I'm gonna be nice and won't even rip on the Cardinals........yet. Next topic....

I am so excited to be going home to Salem this weekend. I haven't been there since January, so it is a much needed trip home. I plan to relax, relax, relax. In that order. No more topics. I'm going to bed. Bon nuit!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How DARE you call into question the integrity of something so pure as American Idol???