Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Cubs, this is NOT acceptable. I can feel Mount St. Lou about erupt from here. Y'all better be skurrrred. WTF? Are you seriously about to be swept by the D-backs? Do you know they are only a .500 team (at best)? You play your spring training in the desert for God's sake, so I thought for sure this was one road series you'd actually win. Apparently, I thought wrong. I may have to go on a Cubs sabbatical until they start winning again (yea yea, I hear the jokes now....SHUT UP!). :) Actually, I hope Lou does go off on them, or get himself kicked out of a game, whatever it takes. Not even this sexy picture of Rami could make me change my mind about going on a sabbatical......ok, maybe it could...... :)

So, last night as I was leaving work, I noticed that traffic was unusually heavy trying to leave Riverport (nothing but a bunch of office buildings and the local amphitheater). What could be causing such traffic? The answer soon became painfully clear as I turned on my radio.....apparently The Jonas Brothers were in town, so every single freakin' teeny bopper within a 100 mile radius has descended upon Riverport. Yikes. I laughed as I sat there, reminiscing about my days as a teeny bopper (and who am I kidding, I'm going to see my teenage loves, NKOTB, in November). As I passed one of the hotels in Riverport, I saw that several of the windows had Jonas Brothers posters plastered to the window. Really? Oh to be a teeny bopper again....... :)


Anonymous said...

This would be more convincing if you didn't have a Jonas Brothers poster up in your room

KD said...

you mean the one I borrowed from you????? ;)

Anonymous said...

Nice try Kerri . . . but the last time you were in Canada I think the Jonas brothers were still in diapers . . . and you were still rocking out to the Backstreet Boys

KD said...

Right.....speaking of, when am I going to Canada again????????? ;)

Anonymous said...

I'll have to check the bylaws

KD said...

I believe the bylaw on that one says "The girl shall visit the boy ASAP...all pending the boy's ability to organize and NOT procrastinate...."

Or something like that......

Anonymous said...

Things should never be pending me not procrastinating . . . I'm still working on a Mother's Day gift

KD said...

Um yea.....While I agree that Mom Canada should be your top priority, it should also be noted that the bylaws state the following:
1. backrubs can only be completed IN PERSON
2. a certain Canadian promised to do a certain American's laundry...this can only be done IN PERSON
3. This American would like to come visit BEFORE there's snow on the ground and you (the Canadian) have another opportunity to beat me in snow angel making...

Anonymous said...

Or in your case . . . snow devil making

KD said...

yea, I still don't know how that one happened.........