I'm sad that this weekend is already drawing to a close (why does that always happen?). I mean, it's been a good weekend, but over too quickly. Friday night, I ended up taking the lazy route and stayed home and just chilled. It truly was what the doctor ordered as I finally allowed myself to RELAX. That, and I ended up chatting with a certain Cute Canadian for, oh, three and a half hours....you know that TOTALLY made my day (my week, even!) as I never get tired of talking to him. ;)
Saturday was our monthly Girls Lunch. See the fam blog for details, but suffice it to say, Culpeppers does NOT have Coke salad dressing. FYI. ;) Oh Aunt Cheryl, we do love you so! Here are some pics from yesterday shamelessly stolen from the family blog:
After lunch, I trekked on over to Maggie's for our monthly scrap-a-thon. I clocked in at eight hours of scrapbooking-not too shabby! I got a lot done, and more importantly, had a lot of fun with my friends. So much so that I ALMOST didn't mind that the Cubs have LOST TWO IN A ROW TO THE LAST PLACE ASTROS. Notice I said "almost". Dude, WTF? Are you trying to give me a stroke? Do you like seeing me sit uncomfortably as all around me laugh and say "ha ha, the Cardinals are only 2 back"? Do you like it when I get harassing text messages from my aunt telling me the Cubs suck? Do you? DO YOU? Don't let it happen again. My sanity (already a fine line to begin with) can't take it.......
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