Sunday, July 20, 2008

I found it!

I finally found my digital camera-after six long, picture-free weeks. Where was it, you may ask? was in the most obvious of places..........under my couch. I mean, duh! Why didn't I just look there in the first place? Dude, I was cleaning up a pile of magazines (getting ready to do my duty to Mother Earth and recycle, dontcha know), when lo and behold, there it was, just lying there. Hiding. Little bastard.

I'm sad that this weekend is already drawing to a close (why does that always happen?). I mean, it's been a good weekend, but over too quickly. Friday night, I ended up taking the lazy route and stayed home and just chilled. It truly was what the doctor ordered as I finally allowed myself to RELAX. That, and I ended up chatting with a certain Cute Canadian for, oh, three and a half know that TOTALLY made my day (my week, even!) as I never get tired of talking to him. ;)

Saturday was our monthly Girls Lunch. See the fam blog for details, but suffice it to say, Culpeppers does NOT have Coke salad dressing. FYI. ;) Oh Aunt Cheryl, we do love you so! Here are some pics from yesterday shamelessly stolen from the family blog:
This is me, my aunt Paula and my baby cousin Chelsea
It was a bit of a small group this month. From left to right is me, Aunt Paula, Chelsea, Aunt Jan, Aunt Mary and Aunt Cheryl. So much fun with my family-I love you all!
After lunch, I trekked on over to Maggie's for our monthly scrap-a-thon. I clocked in at eight hours of scrapbooking-not too shabby! I got a lot done, and more importantly, had a lot of fun with my friends. So much so that I ALMOST didn't mind that the Cubs have LOST TWO IN A ROW TO THE LAST PLACE ASTROS. Notice I said "almost". Dude, WTF? Are you trying to give me a stroke? Do you like seeing me sit uncomfortably as all around me laugh and say "ha ha, the Cardinals are only 2 back"? Do you like it when I get harassing text messages from my aunt telling me the Cubs suck? Do you? DO YOU? Don't let it happen again. My sanity (already a fine line to begin with) can't take it.......

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