Saturday, July 05, 2008

One down, two to go

I fell in love last night. His name is Brayden, and he's five weeks old. What a handsome little man! Now, as we all know, newborns freak KD out just a little bit. I mean, yes, I always think they're cute, but they're just so little and I guess I'm afraid I'm gonna do something wrong, so I just steer clear. It's nothing personal. I couldn't resist little Brayden, however. My cousin Ben and his wife Ashlee are in town all the way from South Dakota so the fam could all meet our newest family member. I went over to see them yesterday as I'm gonna miss the big family BBQ tomorrow because I'll be at the baseball game (more on THAT in a minute). It was instant love. Even with his baby mullet (or did we decide it was a "skullet"?). I got to feed him his bottle (I believe there are pictures to prove it floating around somewhere...) and hold him. I conveniently disappeared when it was time for diaper changes, however. Come on people, you can't expect me to make THAT much progress, can you? I mean, seriously. I was excited to get to participate in Brayden's first Fourth of July. We all went to dinner and then watched Wentzville's fireworks display, which was pretty darn good-way to go Wentzville! While we waited for the fireworks to begin, we played some hardcore rounds of Uno and Aunt Mary and I drank some Parrot Bay rum with orange/pineapple juice....YUMMY! Afterwards, we went back to the Batto's where Ben and Rachel managed to NOT shoot out their eyes while shooting off fireworks in the street (good work guys!). It was a pretty awesome day....thanks Battos for letting me tag along!

Today is Part 2 with my cousins. Ben, Rachel, Ashlee and I are heading down to the baseball game (HOLLA!). I am so freakin excited I could spit. You may not know this, but, um, the Cubbies won last night. We missed most of it, but I'm betting it was a pretty darn good game as the final score was only 2-1. Apparently Crazy Carlos had his game face on and Fukudome was trying to prove that he deserves to be a starter in the All-Star Game with his first inning home run (I believe precious little Geo "I'm the 2008 NL Rookie of the Year" Soto also hit a homer). And congrats to Albert Pujols, who hit his 300th career home run, that was pretty cool (see how gracious a Cubs fan I am???) So, needless to say, today's game, regardless of the outcome, should be GREAT.

Hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend!

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