Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Lions and tigers and SPIDERS, oh my!

True story. So, last night, I had a slight case of the insomnia goin' on. Oh, I managed to find a way to occupy my time, watching the Cubs game online (more on that in a minute), emailing a certain cute Canadian boy, you know, the typical stuff. I finally got tired around midnight and attempted to go to sleep. As I was laying there (or is it "lying" there, what is the correct English here?), I thought I felt something crawl on my hand. I figured I was just freaking myself out (as I sometimes do, your mind can play tricks with you especially when tired), so I rolled over and tried to go to sleep. Well, just as I was drifting off, I felt something CRAWL ACROSS MY FACE. Freaked out, I slapped it (yes, I slapped myself in the face-it's ok, you can laugh), turned on the light and saw what used to be a spider lying there (yea I smashed that little bastard up!!!). I was all kinds of freaked out, tossing around my bedding because I was convinced he had buddies (either there were none or they all ran and hid after my murderous rampage). Then, after all that drama, I psyched myself out even more and became convinced that the spider had, in fact, bitten me (I mean my face itched and everything). Needless to say, there wasn't much sleeping going on last night.
So, today has been interesting so far. The doctor that shall remain nameless is dancing, yes, DANCING, in his office. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't witnessed it with my own two eyes. I'm scared now. Everyone seems to be in good moods today, which is good, because yesterday sucked.
My Cubbies are back on the winning track....good thing, because I was starting to get cranky about it. Um, HELLO Mark DeRosa, I had no idea you had a GRAND SLAM in ya! That was h-o-t HOT! Me likey! Ted Lilly (one of my not-so-secret baseball crushes) was awesome last night. Here's hoping Jason Marquis can be tonight (it's always iffy with him). The game is on WGN, so I will more than likely be up until midnight watching it (up until midnight two nights in a row...during the week??? I am OUTTA CONTROL!).

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