Wednesday, July 16, 2008

One more thing...

I forgot to admit something. I have a crush on Lou Piniella. I'm not ashamed. Yes, he's like a million years old and he's got that big ol' belly, but he's adorable. And fiesty. I like it. I don't care that he's older than my parents. Viva la Piniella!


Jen Estes said...

OMG...Lou was a hottie in his playing days! (Not that he can't compete with the best of them still, even with said belly.) The eyes! The hair! The chiseled face!

Seriously, I'm drooling over that picture. I'm not going to be able to look at Sweet Lou the same way again.

KD said...

I KNOW! He looked adorable at the All-Star Game parade... :)