Thursday, July 31, 2008

Have you seen my broom?

I don't want to count my chickens before they're hatched (as a wise Mr. Polster advised me earlier this week), BUT, um.......the Cubbies could like totally sweep the Brewers and stuff today. Mama like. Even if they don't win today, they still take 3 of 4 and have widened their lead in the NL Central. Can't beat that with a stick!

How bout that Ryan Dempster? Could he BE any more awesome, eh? I heart Canadians. My co-favorite Canadian Cub pitches today, Mr. Rich Harden. For the love of God can we get this guy a win already? He hasn't won a game since joining the Cubs yet his ERA is hovering around.............1. Yes, 1. What's a brotha gotta do to get a win?

Says Brewers outfielder Corey "I wear my sunglasses at night" Hart-"They're the better team in July that doesn't make them World Champs yet." Um, true, but can we really listen to a guy who has LIGHTNING STRIPES SHAVED INTO HIS HEAD???? I think not. Hello, 1990 called and it wants it's TERRIBLE hairstyle back! Did anyone else notice the stripes in his head, or was it just me?

I'll stop the Cubs talk today with my thought of the day, and that is this.......this shit is gettin' GOOD. Stay tuned.

So, did I not get the memo that today is national Drive Like an A-Hole Day? How come no one told me? I'm talking people riding my ass (hey, I was going the speed limit, in rush hour, mindin' my own biz, yo), swerving and nearly hitting me, slamming on their brakes for no apparent reason. Irritating stuff to say the least. It's a wonder I made it to work alive this morning. Geez.

So, I got to talk to my sis last night. I love talking to my sis, I miss her lots and can't wait for Labor Day weekend when she and Jon will be here (yes, I miss my only brother-in-law too!). :) Sister, it's only another month! LOVE YOU!

Mama-I'm making that key lime cheeseball tonight, wish me luck. My mom bought me this key lime cheeseball mix last weekend when I was home with the belief that I'd actually have the skills necessary to make it. I'll try to not let her down. She even got me a way cute spreader that has limes on it! Hope Branson was fun. When did my parents turn into Branson people? Is this what happens when retirement creeps up on you? Is that what I have to look forward to? Heading down to Southern Missouri to see Andy Williams and Shoji Tabuchi? Yikes.


Anonymous said...

Be the (cheese) ball

KD said...

I will RP, I will!

Val said...

I think even you can stir a mix into some cream cheese. I have complete faith in you!

Branson was fun. Both the Promise and Noah the Musical were very good. I never would have seen myself as a Branson person either. As I looked around at all the blue hairs with their velcro tennis shoes - I was just a little concerned witht he direction we are going in. Oh well, there are worse things I suppose.

KD said...

OMG mother, that just made me laugh out loud! You are so funny. Now I know what I'm getting you for Christmas....Shoji Tabuchi tickets and some new velcro shoes! :)

Anonymous said...

That blog was dumb (broom my arse). Mikey Poo

Anonymous said...

whatever, mike. go cubs! the brewers were officially swept.

Jen Estes said...


I love how the same Brewers that referred to this as a "big series" and actually used the words "dress rehearsal for the playoffs" are now downplaying it with their "only four games" and "July". Sore losers. (Operative word: losers.)

Go Cubs!

This key lime cheeseball sounds really intriguing.

KD said...

Michael-I'm gonna beat your scrawny little ass.

Ern-Mike's a turdface-see the above post

Jen-I'll let ya know how the cheeseball turns out! :)


Oh yea, and the Brewers suck!