Friday, September 03, 2010

The Rams went 3-1 in the pre-season. Wait.....WHAT?

The Rams, yes the St. Louis Rams, finished the pre-season at 3-1. Um....they won three games total the last three YEARS, so how did this happen? The answer is simple my friends: NO MORE MARC BULGER. Quite possibly the crappiest quarterback I've seen play, I've maintained for years that he brought the team down. Granted, their other facets of the game needed upgrades too, but without a good quarterback, it's pretty much impossible to have a good, winning team.

The Sam Bradford Era has begun. The #1 draft pick is all ours baby! And, so far,he's lived up to the hype. Let's hope his team mates can protect him and not let him get sacked all season, like they did to poor Noodle Arm. And, Sam is kinda cute....if you're in to 23 year olds....which, of course I'm not.......

I'm daring to be excited for the football season this year. Hell, if the Rams won like 3-4 games this year, we'd consider that a major improvment. Guess what I've realized? The Rams are the Cubs of football and the Blues are the Cubs of hockey. Think about it, it's true. And they all have blue uniforms. Word.

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