Thursday, September 09, 2010

Heartbreak Hotel

I am so sad. My sister called me last night and presented me with the opportunity to babysit my munchkin niece on Sunday, as I have been whining that I haven't seen her in awhile and most likely will not see her again until October. But, alas, I have plans this weekend and will be out of town. This is the girl that is ALWAYS available on the weekend, and the one weekend I'm not is when they need a sitter. So, I'm bummed. I miss that little girl so much. She's already learned so many new things since I last saw her two weeks ago. SAD FACE.

I will, however, be having fun this weekend.Yep, taking a quick trip to Memphis. Come on, it's not that far of a drive from St. Louis. It promises to be an interesting time, I mean, after all, we are staying at the Heartbreak Hotel (um, isn't that in the Memphis ghetto?) and have purchased a package that allows us access to not only Graceland but the Lisa Marie as well (score!), a voucher for dinner at some place on Beale street and the greatest gift of all...wait for it.....wait for it.....a FREE ELVIS PURSE. I know you are beside yourself with jealousy right now and I don't blame you. It's pretty effin cool. Granted, I don't know too many Elvis songs, but my friend Robin took care of that by making one of her infamous mixed CD's....there's plenty of Elvis and a little Kenny Rogers and Bobby Brown for good measure. Don't be cruel.

Did I mention we will also be wearing wigs? Mine is Cubbie blue. Pics to follow.


Blue said...

Sounds like a good time. When Kendall is older, you can gift her that Elvis purse to make up for missing out on watching her for the weekend : )

KD said...

Hi Blue!
Yes, I'm sure the Elvis purse will be the gift that keeps on giving....:)

Blue said...

Hey KD, is baseball season over yet? What's up with Jen? Have you heard from her lately?
Take a pic of Kendall with the Elvis purse and frame it, that would be

J.J. said...

KD - I have not been to Graceland, but my inlaws live in Mississippi, so we drive past it everytime we go there. I tell Mr. JJ that we have to go there some day, just because it's on my "bucket list". Not sure why. I have been to Elvis' birthplace in Tupelo, MS. Have fun!

KD said...

JJ and Blue...I miss you guys! And Jen too...I believe she is on vacay at Myrtle Beach right now.
Damn those Cubs for cutting into our quality blogging time!!!!

Our plan is to make fun of Elvis and the freaky Elvis fans while in Memphis. I'm fairly certain we are gonna get our asses kicked. Stay tuned.

Blue said...

Oh yeah, I forgot about Jens vacation. I hope she did not get stormed on by that hurricane.
It would be cool to see an Elvis in his getup in Cubs colors.