Wednesday, September 22, 2010


"To delete your deleted messages, press 1".

What the hell kind of voicemail system is that? Delete your deleted messages? By the very word "delete" wouldn't you assume they're already deleted? I mean, seriously?

This is just a small example of the BS I've been dealing with at work. A new voicemail system where you have to delete already deleted messages (if you don't, it "fills up" your voicemail box and won't let you receive incoming messages!), people calling in "sick" daily, ridiculously high caseloads, and you can't find one person in the entire office that gives a crap. That's bad. Out of sheer frustration and stress, I've cried my entire drive home every night this week so far. I don't see why today will be any different. Yesterday, I nearly went over the edge. It was one of those days that, if one more thing had gone wrong, I quite possibly would have snapped. As in, lock me up for a few days b/c I'm gonna kill some people...I'm not really gonna kill anyone, don't go calling the STL PD on me. Just venting. I absolutely hate asking for help, I pride myself on doing my job well and being able to handle a lot of work...but for the last few Tuesdays in particular, I have had to ask for help because it's just been too much for one person. I hate that.

I'm missing my sis and my niece. They make me happy. I need a good dose of Kendall to make me smile again. I'll get to see them both next weekend (for real haven't seen them since mid-August due to way busy schedules for all) can't get here soon enough. Things are so bad, that I couldn't care less that Glee and Dancing With The Stars both premiered this week. Didn't watch them. Didn't even turn the TV on. I love those shows, so this is bad. Really bad.


Blue said...

Sorry to hear about your bad day. If you need me to come over and bust some heads let me know...ROADTRIP!....just sayin' : )

KD said...

Love it! Thanks Blue! :)