Friday, September 03, 2010


That's how many degrees it was this morning. 65. Isn't that delightful? I mean, that's jacket weather people! And I LOVE IT.

Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year, the "BER" months, as I like to call them. Get it? SeptemBER, OctoBER, NovemBER, DecemBER? Damn, I'm creative. The air smells different in the fall, the leaves change colors, all the fun holidays happen (Halloween and Turkey Day), fall allergies kick into high gear. Sweet Bejebus. I have had a headache since last Saturday-quite literally, it has not gone away. I've had a hell of a time finding allergy meds that work for me. Sunday night, I took some Zyrtec and spent all day Monday in a drug-induced fog. Given my inability to function, on Monday night I tried my prescription allergy med, Xyzal and got the complete opposite effect-it agitated me so much that I was literally awake ALL NIGHT. But dammit, I could breathe, so there's that. Wednesday night I decided to skip meds altogether and woke up yesterday congested as hell....and a total crab ass. I mean, for reals, I was even annoying myself I was so dang bitchy. Last night, I was again med free aside from a bit of Benadryl to help me sleep, and woke up today still totally congested, but WAY less cranky.

Currently, I'm all jacked up on Diet Dr Pepper and Excedrin Migraine (with like 130mg of caffeine-HOLLA!). Work is gonna be busy, but I'm gonna try to maintain my good mood, get my work done, then I'm heading home to hibernate at my parents for a few days. Which strikes me as not a good idea because, well, my parents live in the woods. Do you know how many allergens are in the woods? I mean, according to my allergist, I'm allergic to pollen, mold, dust, trees, grass and ragweed. Um....yea. I think I'll be spending the weekend inside the house.

Happy Labor Day weekend everyone! Have fun and be safe! Cubs are playing the Pond Scum this weekend.....GO CUBS!

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