Monday, September 13, 2010

Sports news

Oh Rams, you showed so much promise yesterday! Sam Bradford did ok for the most part....although he needs to lay off the whole throwing interceptions thing. I'll cut the kid some slack since it was his first Big Boy football game. Yes, the Rams lost, BUT, they actually scored some points AND had a chance to win it at the very end of the game and could have if not for said interception. They're 0-1 but it's not the same 0-1 feel as it was last year. I'm still excited.

Cards fans, I'm just gonna go ahead and give you tonights game. Rookie sensation Jaime Garcia is pitching for the Cards and the Cubs are countering with Jeff Sharkijimammaja (I know how to spell his name correctly-Samardzija-I just choose not to). Why oh why is he on the team? He is a perma-AAA'er if you ask me. Much hyped-he was a star football player for Notre Dame but decided to give baseball a shot instead, lucky us-he has not at all lived up to the hype. Sure, he did pretty well at AAA this season, but for whatever reason, once he comes up to the big club he implodes. Wait for it, I guaran-damn-tee it will happen.

Ummmmmm.....that's all I got.

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