Thursday, September 23, 2010


This old lady jogged/walked 5.4 miles last night. For reals. I guess having a crappy week does have it's benefits. I took my stress out on the pavement. Yay for me! My typical route is 4 miles, but I decided last night to go around the park a second time and voila! 5.4 miles. And I'm not even sore this morning! I did inhale a couple of bugs during my jog, but I figure that's some extra protein. Right?

Good times this weekend, I'm taking Grandpa down to Salem so he can go fishing. He was all worked up on Sunday, wanted to know if his fishing gear would fit in my car. He actually made me go outside to see if my backseat laid down (it does) and confirm that his fishing poles would fit (they did). Oh, Grandpa. These are the times I'm gonna appreciate some day when I don't have him around anymore. I spent ALL day Sunday with him-church and then hanging out at his house watching the Cubs, Cards and Rams games....and then Gramps sprung for some pizza for dinner. I didn't feel too bad letting him pay-he won $200 at the casino earlier in the week.... ;)


Blue said...

That is awesome KD, I'm proud of you.
That is funny about your Gramps and his fishing, but hey, I would do the same, I love fishing.

KD said...

Thx Blue!