Monday, October 19, 2009

Update on the inflatable lawn ornaments

As I went jogging through my neighborhood last night, I found myself being totally pissed off because I didn't have some sort of sharp object with me. I was totally envisioning myself running around the neighborhood all vigilante-like and stuff, popping those damn lawn ornaments and then running like hell. Hmmmm......there IS always out giant inflatable Winnie-the-Pooh! Your days are numbered my friend.


Blue said...

KD, I was at Walmart, Home Depot and Lowes this weekend and they had so many of those dang things for sale. I was thinking of you and Jen when I saw them
I have only seen one setup in my neighborhood, so that is good.

KD said...

Wow Blue, the trifecta of all your home improvement needs! :)

I'm telling you, one of these days I'm just gonna go on a rampage and pop every single one I see. Maybe I'll wait until Christmas. Then again, those giant blow-up turkeys at Thanksgiving are pretty damn annoying too....

luvrub said...

I'm breaking into your place and putting a 9 foot tall inflatable baby Jesus in your living room one night while your at work. Does walmart sell that? That would be friggin sweet.

Jen Estes said...

KD, go on your crime spree before any haircutting.

"What's that officer? LONG hair? No one that fits that description here. that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see - oh, I guess it would be a gun."

KD said...

Robin Daher, you wouldn't well, dare, would you??? You evil evil friend. ;) Doesn't you neighbor have an inflatable Jesus? I seem to recall some Jesus like thing in his yard last year....

Jen, totally gonna go under cover prior to my crime spree. maybe, if I'm lucky, it'll be one of those motorcycle cops that catches me....