Thursday, October 29, 2009

Update from your local pirate girl

Back from my doctor with a brand new diagnosis-I have a WAY sexy eye infection. Don't be jealous. At least it's not pinkeye. I'm not contagious, so don't worry folks. And I think we caught it in time, no need to dress as a pirate for Halloween.

Now, here's what I don't get. I walk in, eye obviously swollen and the nurse has me read the friggin eye chart. Are you kidding me? I can barely see on a good day much less when I have 50% vision. So, I rambled off the letters I thought I saw. Pretty sure she wrote "clinically blind" in my chart. Then my doctor comes in, makes me lay down (uhm, excuse me?), tells me to look at the wall and then proceeds to squirt something in my eye that burned like hell. He told me it was a pain killer but I'm not convinced. I then got something yellow squirted in my eye, followed by some saline and then he held a black light over my eye (not sure what that was for, but whatever). Anyway, now I have a script for some eyedrops that I have to take 4x a day-I actually looked at my doctor and said "because I love having stuff squirted in my eye". His response? "Yea, I did kinda have to fight you on that". What can I say? I'm feisty. Especially when there are strange liquids being squirted into my eye.

The news is not all bad, however. According to my patient chart, I have lost TWELVE pounds since the last time I was at my doctor's office. Yay me!


Blue said...

Hi KD, it sounds like the Doc put some dye in your eye (the yellow stuff). I hope you are feeling better. Did you drive with just one good eye?
By the way, were you around any kittens?

KD said...

OMG, speaking of driving w/one is POURING here, so much so that several of the roads are flooded. So, imagine driving in that...with one eye. Good times.

Blue said...

Damn, that was brave of you, I don't think I would have gone out alone.