Monday, October 19, 2009

Just do it

I haven't done it in awhile, so I think it's time. I mean, everyone else is doing it so why shouldn't I? It very well could be earth shattering and life changing at the same time. I've been thinking about doing it for quite some time now and have finally decided to take the plunge. I mean, I can do whatever I want with/to my body, right? This is America dammit! Land of the free and home of the brave. Since I haven't done it in awhile, I'm afraid I won't know what to do, but surely it's like riding a bike, right? Right?

So, what is it I'm gonna do, you may ask? Well, after fighting the urge for sometime and realizing the urge won't go away, I have decided to chop my hair off. I know, I know, kinda out of control, but that's me. Living on the edge, doing crazy, spontaneous things. Wait, why are you laughing????

I've decided long hair isn't for me anymore, it's too high maintenance and really, I never do anything w/it anyway, may as well have a style that's easy and caters to my lazy personality. Now, don't worry, I'm not going all GI Jane or anything (besides, anything too short makes my head look like it's too small for my body-true story), but I will be getting at least six inches chopped off. I'm pretty excited about it. I got the urge a couple of weeks ago but decided to sit on it-didn't want to make any hasty decisions. Well, here it is, two weeks later and I still have the urge, so I think it's a go. Yay! Change is fun!


Blue said...

This can't be good.
Everytime a woman I've known gets a haircut it never goes well or they are unhappy with the
So KD, the high and tight is out of the question?

KD said...

Hmmm, the high and tight IS tempting. And I'm sure it would look HOT.

Can I still wear it in a ponytail if it's a high and tight? Me thinks not.....

Blue said...

Hey think about this, with a high and tight, you can wear wigs, so you could be different every day.
How about a mullet cut?

KD said...

funny you should mention mullets Blue, because we were just discussing them at work today. I fessed up that I had one in 4th grade (thanks a lot for that mother...then again, it WAS like 1985....).

Jen Estes said...

KD, this summer I added bangs to my long hair (something I had intentionally avoided for 15 years after a traumatizing childhood involving Aqua Net and my mother's desire to make me have hair bigger than my tiny head, so this was a big change for me) and I absolutely love it. I didn't realize how badly I needed a change. (But I will say it was horrifying to look down and see those long strands of hair chopped off.)

Post pics when/if you take the plunge - I'm excited!

KD said...

I'm pretty excited about it! My hair has been long for like 4 years now and the older and lazier I get, the less I both to do anything w/it. The change is more out of necessity, really. :)