Sunday, October 05, 2008


Wow. The Cubs just got swept out of the postseason. 100 years. Let the jokes begin. I'm not laughing. In fact, as Alfonso Soriano struck out to end the game, I got teary-eyed. Perhaps it's a little weird to be this obsessed about a professional sports team but if there's one thing about me that will always be true, it's the fact that I am passionate about the things I love. And I love the Chicago Cubs. Win or lose-I love them. But I am bitterly disappointed in them right now. It would be one thing if they played hard for three games but still lost. That I would be able to accept a bit more. But for this series they-just-weren't-there. It was like some alien forces took their bodies and replaced them with some soleless beings. Kinda like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, but without the pod people. Un-freakin-believable. As they panned the Cubs dugout after the game, each player sat there in stunned silence, and all I was thinking was "you did this to yourselves". Maybe the pressure and expectations were too much. Maybe it was the fact that I was flipping channels during the game and saw an SNL skit that featured, yep, you guessed it, a BILLY GOAT. Who knows. All I know is that I now owe my brother $100 bucks. F me running. Can I get that on a payment plan please? It's time to form that Depressed Cubs Fan Support least I have a lot of "friends in low places" right now....we will get through this newest let down like only Cubs fans can. It feels too pathetic to say "there's always next year", but..........well, there IS always next year. Right? I'll see y'all in Mesa in March. :)


Val said...

Sorry Ker Ker. I know how disappointed you must be. They sure self-destructed. Maybe year after next??? Because next year is the Cardinal's year.

Love you -- Mom

PAULA said...

Bummer. I will not be mean like Valo. At least they made the post season unlike my beloved Cardinals.

KD said...

Mama-you're delusional, but I love you.
Aunt Lala-thanks for not being mean. I'm pretty sure I can't take the harrassment right now....

Time to focus on things that matter, like my trip to Canada this week, and the fact that the holidays (and quality fam time) are coming up, and the fact that I have a niece or nephew on the way. yes, those things will be my focus now....