Monday, August 11, 2008

Weekend recap

A house we spotted in Illinois on the way to Fast Eddie's. We called it the "lego house". Ain't it pertty?

Ugh, it's Monday again. I'm bound and determined to make it a good day, but with a wake to go to after work, the odds of it being a "good" day are slim. Let's recap the weekend first.

Friday was a totally non-eventful day (just how I like 'em). Saturday, I entered the day with grandiose ideas of all the things I was gonna get accomplished that morning....yea, didn't do any of them, but I DID go drink beer with Mike and Bruce at Fast Eddie's and a good time was had by all. Here's me and Mike....aren't we cute? He's my favorite.How many pictures of this can one girl have???
Ok, so Mike kept telling this dude (also named Mike) that 1. I have fake boobs and 2. that I'm really a man. I'm not sure why Michael was doing those things, but sure glad HE thought it was funny.....Mike and his friend Kristin. Mike, did you ever confess your hair affair to her?
me and Mikey again.Mike and Bruce-"the girls".me and Bruce. Precious, huh?
The Cards/Cubs game was, of course, on at the bar. What a bad day I picked to watch my Cubbies in public. In a VERY uncharacteristic game, Carlos Zambrano was AWFUL (although that home run he hit was hot....too bad he gave up FOUR) and the Cubs lost 12-3. Yikes. I had nothing when people started harassing me at the bar. Nothing. Anywho. So once I returned home, my friend Renee called me. With threats of cutting herself if she didn't get out of the house, I knew I had to act fast, so we went out to dinner. OMG, Red Robin is SOOOOOO good. I heart it. Well, except for all the screaming kids. That's the worst part about that place.
Sunday, I went to church with Grandpa (who was wearing the cutest little polka dot tie!). We stayed after to meet the new pastor (that's now three female pastors to one male-GIRL POWER!). Grandpa (who typically isn't real fond of the female pastors) decided he likes the new pastor because she's ex-military. And because she outranks him. :) I'll be seeing Grandpa again today as we will be attending a wake for my "uncle" Rich's mom. She passed away on Saturday morning. I hate, hate, HATE wakes/funerals (does anyone like them, really?), but want to be there to support Rich who has lost so much in his life. Life isn't fair, and sometimes it downright sucks, but hopefully today he will feel that support. Quite honestly, I don't want Grandpa driving, hence why I suggested we go together (the man was doing 50mph down New Florissant Road yesterday! I couldn't keep up with him as I followed him back to his house!). Please keep the Eckert family in your thoughts/prayers. Thanks.

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