Thursday, August 21, 2008

Love can build a bridge....

OMG, my Heidi is coming back to St. Louis!!!!! I am so excited I could spit. I'm not gonna, but I could. Yay, yay, YAY! I can't wait to see you, and Gav and even JP! ;) I totally see waffle fries in our future........ooooooo, now I'm hungry.

Um, so apparently today is my 2 year anniversary at my job....yay me! I had no idea until one of my co-workers came up to me and wished me a happy anniversary (I kinda looked at her blankly for a second....which I totally realize is a fairly common look for me....).

Speaking of work, today we are having an icebreaker day with the staff from "the other side". You see, on this floor, there are two different parts of the UHC business-"Us"-the behavioral health folks and "Them"-the medical folks. Apparently, in an attempt to bridge the gap between the two sides (rumors are running rampant that they didn't like sharing an ice machine with us and that we didn't like them using our turf war kind of stuff which prompted an email from our Vice President and apparently which prompted the need for an icebreaker....), we are having sno-cones. Now, I don't know what sno-cones and inter-department-getting-along have to do with each other, but I'm not arguing. Sno-cones rule. I had a cherry one AND Julie and I went over to "the other side" and made an effort to get to know some people over there. We feel we've done our part to help promote unity. Now I can kick back with my feet propped up on the desk the rest of the day......

Cubbies up 3-0 in the 5th. That crazy bitch Carlos Zambrano has himself a home run....I love him!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I can't wait to see you either. Waffle fries are definitely just around the corner. As is our GT crizzo drive through....whether it is October or NOT.

Hilarious about the ice-breaking party. I love the corporate world.