Thursday, August 07, 2008

10 and 2 baby, 10 and 2

Mike says I drive like an old grandma. He may be right. There I was, minding my own business this morning driving to work (going just slightly over the speed limit) when I see this silver Honda FLY past me. Oh, I knew it was Michael alright. When we got to work (at the same time mind you, guess all that speeding and driving like a mad man really paid off, huh Mikey?), I reminded him that the speed limit is 55 mph-this is when he accused me of driving like an old granny. Whatever.

So, for the first time in a long, long time, I have absolutely nothing to do this weekend....and I couldn't be happier about it. Priority #1-the Cubs are playing the Cardinals this weekend at Wrigley. Nothing makes me happier than a good Cards/Cubs series.....especially on the Cubbies home turf. Mama like. So, anything I do plan on doing this weekend will center around the game times. It's August, the pennant race is on, and on 8/7/08, my Cubbies have a 5 game lead in the NL Central. LOVE IT!

So, my plant/house sitting gig at Auntie C's is almost up. It's been a good gig. I've gotten used to the big screen TV and 20 minute commute to work...auntie, can I live with you???? ;) I must confess that something kinda sorta happened this, I was standing there, putting on my makeup when the, um, shower curtain just sorta the ground. Now, don't worry auntie, I fully intend to try to fix was no fault of my own, I swear.....I'm sure it has something to do with moisture, and temperature and my bad luck that follows me where ever I go......(I'll never be invited back, will I?). :)

Mike asked me to buy him a Crystal Gayle t-shirt. Should I be scared?

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