Thursday, August 14, 2008

Let's play two.....everyday!

I don't know if anyone knows this, but I, Kerri M. Davidson, am in love with the Chicago Cubs. The whole team. I can't even pick just one to love because there's a different hero every day (although Rami will always be my fave). How bout that double header sweep of the Atlanta "We're not the team we were in the '90's" Braves? Yowza. Not only did the Cubs win both games, but they KILLED the Braves, showing no mercy along the way. Yes, Soriano was showboating a bit (did anyone see John Kruk GO OFF on him on Baseball Tonight? Johnny Boy, calm down, you're gonna give yourself a heart attack!), but he apologized to Sweet Lou and the team, so all is good in the hood.

This team is now TWENTY SIX games over .500. I can't even fathom that, really. Apparently it's the first time since 1984 that that's happened, and I don't remember 1984, so it doesn't count. :) Is it wrong that one of the reasons I want the Cubbies to do so well is to be able to prove all the naysayers wrong? And to win my $100 from my little brother? Is it?


Jen Estes said...

$100! That could get you a W flag or two bleacher tickets or a Rami jersey...or you could just frame it with a 2008 Chicago Cubs WS Champs photo.

PS: Michael Phelps is hot AND he can eat like 40 Big Macs a day.

KD said...

Hmmmm....I like the framing idea!
Michael Phelps IS hot!!!!