Saturday, August 23, 2008

Banana Princess?

All I have to say about yesterday's Cubs game is this......dude, what the f**k?????? Losing the Nationals? The DEAD LAST Nationals? Really? Are you kidding me with this? Well, apparently, they WERE serious and it happened. I'd like to think I was just having some horrible, hellish nightmare (like I did the other night when I dreamt I ran into my ex-now THAT was a nightmare....), but sadly, it was all too real. I'm glad now that I didn't get a chance to watch the game (since I was stuck in cubicle hell) because I most likely would have been throwing things at my tv. It was bad enough watching the Great Collapse of '08 on the internet. Anywho....moving on to a more pleasant subject: gambling on horses.

So, the racetrack last night was fun! Driving to Collinsville, Illinois was not, however. Ok, so it wasn't so bad, but even for me living in the city, it was a bit of a haul. So, as I was being schooled on how to place bets, I was mindful of the fact that my great-grandfather was a horse racing junkie, so, knowing it was in my blood, I wanted to not bet the farm, if ya know what I mean. :) So, the novice that I am, I placed the $2 bet for each race-eight of them, so only $16 invested. I began choosing my horses by whatever name I liked-He's A Tom Cat, Banana Princess (that bitch sooooo didn't win) and My Pretty Honey. I then realized that all the horses I picked had the same two jockeys (one of which was Rafael Manuel Hernandez-a name I said over and over and over again because I was entertained by it). By the end of the night I had won my $16 back and then some...yes, that's right, I topped out at NINETEEN DOLLARS in winnings. I kick so much ass. Even when I was saying I wanted to "double down", to which Renee informed me that was a poker term, not a horseracing one. Eh....well. Our little birthday girl, Shannon, was about ten sheets to the wind and very entertaining. I can't wait to see the pictures! :)

Now I'm off to lunch with my aunts and cousins.......I bid you adieu.

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