Thursday, March 16, 2006

near death experience on the highway

no, it's not just me being my normal melodramatic self, I really did almost get into an accident on the highway. And it was totally NOT my fault-I swear. Here I was, minding my own business, driving down Hwy 44, I signaled to get over to pass this really slow car, when out of nowhere this crazy ass old man comes flying past the semi I was about to get in front of and comes flying into the lane I was halfway in. I had to swerve back into my old lane and felt my car start to skid. I really thought "this is it. I'm gonna die". Thank God I didn't hit anyone around me. After I got over my initial shock, I got mad. I believe my exact quote was "crazy f***ing old man". Then I went on a rant in my head about how old people shouldn't be allowed to drive. I'm sorry to the innocent old people out there, but this guy makes y'all look REAL bad......

I will definitely need a drink tonight. J-I'm buying. I need a drink.......and maybe a nap too....see ya tonight!


Anonymous said...

glad you are ok Kerri! Love, Robyn

KD said...

thx Rob-as my dad always said, you have to watch the other guy!
As for you J-thx for the drinks....uh, wasn't it just supposed to be "a drink" more killer cool aid shots.... :) luv ya!