Wednesday, March 29, 2006

My new car!!!!!!

Good-bye Crapalier, hello Mazda 3! Isn't she pretty? This is just a picture I found online, but this is what my new car looks like. I love it. I don't love having a car payment after being payment free for nearly 3 years. It was nice, but the Crapalier was slowly crapping out on me....who wants to go for a joyride? And if anyone wants to make my payments for me, the first one is due mid-May. Thanks.

So the guy that was a big a-hole to me last week (I do not respond well to that condacending tone and talking to me like I'm stupid-I'm not stupid) came up to me and apologized. Good, he should have. Then we got to talking and turns out he's a Cubs fan....I should have known. Actually had a great time at the dealership today. I was entertaining everyone (go figure). Fun times were had by all.

If anyone is in the car buying market and need someone to come in and throw a temper tantrum, let me know. It got me more than $3,000 off the sticker price.......sometimes it pays to be a bitch.

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