Monday, March 13, 2006

Allergies are kicking my butt

Kleenex is my best friend right now. Seriously. I look like I have been crying for days-my nose is all red, my eyes are red and puffy. In other words, I am looking REAL hot right now. I am currently at work and doped up on allergy medicine. Stephen called in sick for the night so it is just me in charge of the entire call center AND I am oncall all week. Not good news. I am telling my staff now, if you do call me at 2am, don't be surprised if I sound crazier than usual. As soon as I leave here tonight I am popping some Benadryl so I can sleep without sniffling and sneezing all night.
Benadryl is the greatest invention ever. Seriously. I think the reason it works on your allergy symptoms is because it just totally knocks you out. You are so drugged up you don't even know you have's good times had by all.

1 comment:

KD said...

yea, unfortunately, you're right! poor, poor me.... :)