Thursday, March 02, 2006

allergies=bad; Benadryl=good

Yup-it's allergy time. Yippee skippy. Dudes-I feel like crap. My day yesterday started well, but by the afternoon, I was sneezing and wheezing so much I took a nearly hour and a half nap. At church, I was so exhausted, I couldn't do the sit/stand/kneel thing-just had no energy. At that point, I knew what time it was. Benadryl time. I took it on my way home from church knowing it would take some time to actually hit my system, so I knew I would still be able to drive safely. Well, it clearly did not take as long as I thought it would. I don't think J knew what to do with me. I was just kinda mumbling and staring a lot. I was asleep by 10:30 and slept like a rock. Today, I still feel it flowing through my system. I am at work and am totally out of it (but still sneezing!), I'm also kinda cranky-probably from Benadryl withdrawal. I think I need detox.

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