Monday, June 30, 2008

I'm Like A Bird

Oh what a was so good I spent all day Sunday paying for it. What WASN'T good was my Cubs....uh, boys, you are starting to irk me, FYI (not that they care if their lone fan in St. Louis is pissed off with them, but still...). They've now lost four in a row and are starting to see those pesky Cardinals chip away at their NL Central lead. Me no likey. The news doesn't get any better as the boys continue their road trip (where they are apparently allergic to winning) in San Fran for four games....then they'll be here for the HUGE 4th of July weekend series against the I gotta be honest, I'm kinda not looking forward to it. I mean, I am TOTALLY looking forward to actually being at the games (both Saturday and Sunday!) but I'm not looking forward to witnessing my Cubs get their asses handed to them on a platter. At least Big Z will be back on Friday and Soriano is getting close to coming back. Keeping my fingers crossed for no more injuries. At least Sweet Lou got himself kicked out of the game last was pretty lame if you asked me....Lou has deserved to get kicked out lots of times before, but this was pretty least Lou got his money's worth before exiting. Maybe it'll ignite the team and was all part of Lou's master plan.....guess we shall see.....

So, Friday night, Tanya and I met up with Alex and his cougar for some drinks and some awesome pizza at Three Monkeys (we also made a pit stop at my favorite place, The Tin Can). It was an early night, however, as someone whose name rhymes with Alex P. Keaton, was quite sleepy from having worked until 4:00am and was a bit of a party pooper... :) Saturday was spent running errands and watching my Cubs lose, then I met up with the girls for our Big Night Out. Oh it was soooooooo much fun. We met at Erin's then cruised on downtown in Carrie's convertible (my carefully straightened hair now quite windblown) and had some dinner at Morgan Street. After that, we went over to Sundeckers to have a drink (Val knows the bartender) and check out the flooded Mississippi River.....we became intrigued by Erin's sparrow necklace and decided that perhaps the sparrow should be the subject of some, um, "artistic" photos...we got a picture of him drinking a Long Island Iced Tea, floating in the air and posing next to the Sundeckers sign. He was a busy bird.

After our bird fun, we headed over to Lumiere Place, the new downtown casino. I mean, it was alright as far as casinos go, looks like all the rest of them, if you ask me (except for The Stables in Miami, Oklahoma...that place was a DUMP!). I will have you know that this girl came out ahead....oh yea, ahead SIX DOLLARS! Holla! :) We were high rollers playing the penny slots.....

Sometime during the evening I made the mistake of mentioning that it was Pride Weekend in St. Louis. Now, it should be noted that my friend Carrie LOVES the gays. She does, she can't help it. So once I mentioned it was Pride Weekend, I knew that at some point we'd be heading to the gay bars....Carrie suggested I text my precious Mikey Poo to see where he was (because, DUH, of course he'd be out!) and we found him gals shut down the gay bar my friends! Out of control. That and having some random dudes from The Congo who said they were straight trying to get our phone numbers...uh, sorry, not in the business of giving out my phone number...especially to strange dudes from The Congo......This old lady rolled home around 3:30am....I was awake with the sun, however (like 6am), which was quite unpleasant.....I was up for awhile, then took a nap and they pretty much proceeded to be a giant pile of crap the rest of the day. It was pretty sweet.

Now today (thus far), I am tired, cranky, hormonal and want to be left alone. Thanks. Oh yea, and we are crazy busy at work today which I totally do not dig. Me sleepy. Me wanna go home.


Jen Estes said...

Well KD, the good thing about being a Cubs fan that doesn't live inside Chicago is not having to deal with the White Sox fans today after berating them last Monday...*awkward*

I'm looking forward to this weekend's series too! I have tickets on the 4th right behind our Cubbies' dugout!

P.S. They have a Miami in Oklahoma? Maybe THAT'S the one Will Smith sang about.

Anonymous said...

Just starting feel human again... but had SO MUCH FUN!!!

Pics on Facebook, and let me tell you... ucking fugly!

I forgot about the Congo guys. Scary...!!