Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Cranky pants

Ugh, I am craaaaaaanky today! It's only gotten worse as the day has gone on. I am sitting at my part-time job right now and I swear, the sound of people talking around me is about to drive me insane. I want to scream "shut up" to everyone-I'm not gonna because that would be rude, but I wanna. Why so cranky? I dunno. I just am. It started with an irritating situation at Job #1 today and just kinda spiraled from there. I really want to go home. I shouldn't be allowed out in public right now. OMG, I swear if Sunglasses At Night girl doesn't shut up, I may have to punch her in the nose........

Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day.


Anonymous said...

How about we take a couple of niiiiiiiiice DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP breaths.

There, doesn't that feel better :)

KD said...

Thx DT. :)

mary said...

if that doesn't help we''ll send aunt jan to take care "the problem"

KD said...

Um yea...I hear she's quite the bad ass! ;)