Friday, June 13, 2008

Beware of flying Easter baskets!

I was a busy little bee last evening. Of course, I had all week off from the crisis line and had all week to run my errands but chose to run them all on Thursday night. That's just how I roll, people. So, I had to get my mom's birthday present as well as my dad's Father's Day present. I knew what I wanted to get them both, so it didn't take me too long. Then I headed home to wrap the presents (and by "wrap" I mean throwing them in a bag and fancying it up with some tissue paper), cook dinner (grilled chicken and asparagus-yum!) and then on to my task for the night-cooking two pounds of bacon for work. Two pounds of bacon is a LOT of bacon people! Now don't get me wrong, I love bacon as much as the next girl, but after cooking two pounds of it, I was not so much a fan (especially because now everything I own, including myself, smells like bacon grease). I had to take a shower afterward because I felt greasy and yucky. Then I had to call my mom because, being the Kitchen Retard that I am, I wasn't sure what to do with the bacon now that it was cooked. How was I supposed to store it? My mom (humoring me, I'm sure) informed me I needed to refrigerate it. Oh yeah.....Ok, so then it was time to pack for the weekend, a task I am not always a fan of. I first had to get my suitcase, which was up on the top shelf of my closet (no small feat given I am Shorty Shorterson). As I was reaching for the suitcase, something quite traumatic happened (and yes I am being dramatic because, really, it wasn't so much traumatic as it was funny). Yes, people, an empty Easter basket fell on my head. Now, I know you're probably thinking to yourself "this could only happen to KD" and, well, you'd be right. I mean, it's not like it hurt, it was, in fact, pretty damn funny. I of course had to tell DT all about it (who I'm pretty sure is not shocked by the retarded things that happen to me). Ah....good times.

So, today is YET ANOTHER food day at work. And it's my favorite-BREAKFAST. Yummy! We are celebrating my co-worker JuJuane's birthday. We have a fantastic quiche that my co-worker Melissa made (it's to die for, really) and, of course, the aforementioned bacon. That, combined with mass quantities of Diet Dr Pepper, makes for a long, if not interesting, day. I'm hyper. Deal with it.

I'm heading to Salem tonight, doing Relay for Life with my parents, I'm hoping to see some old high school friends while I'm there, we've been messaging on Facebook (which really is a great way to keep in touch with long lost friends!) all week. Fun fun. I have a feeling I'll be awakened by my father tomorrow morning at around, oh, 6:30am, so that we can go into town and eat breakfast (the last time I was home, my father woke me up by turning on the bedroom light at 6:30am and CROWING LIKE A ROOSTER. Now do you understand why I am the way I am???).

My Cubbies are NINETEEN games over .500 y'all! In all my years as a Cubs fan, I don't think I've ever seen them with this good of a record. Granted, it's still early, and I'm not gonna get ahead of myself and make any predictions, but right now sure is a great time to be a Cubs fan! Holla! (that "holla" was for you Mikey!).

Happy Weekend party people!

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