Sunday, June 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!

I want to wish my mother a very happy, fantastic, WONDERFUL birthday today. Happy Birthday Mommy! Hope you had a great day of shopping and spending money (what more could a girl ask for??? I could hear dad whining on the other end of the phone when I called) :) I love you very much and miss you SOOOOO much!

I was up early again today-I had to be at work by 9am...I had to go pick up my precious Mikey Poo first though (carpooling people...gas is $4 a gallon!). Our new office isn't so bad I guess, the colors are still tacky (as I discovered today-the bathroom has a green floor and magenta stalls-pretty), but it'll work (we're only gonna be there a year then we are moving again).

After I got home, I pretty much lounged around....know what finally lulled me into a nap-like state? The Cardinals game. Yep, I think it went to 13 innings...I dozed through innings 9-13. It was a little slice of heaven, I tell ya! Now my Cubbies are on ESPN in 15 minutes, another little slice of heaven (that could be made better with a win-those Cardinals lost today!). I'm down for the count. Gonna finish some laundry and put groceries away. That's the extent of my excitement for the day. Right now, you are wishing you had my life, aren't you??????

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