Friday, April 18, 2008

Yes, we really did have an earthquake today

OMG, we had a frickin' earthquake today. Did y'all feel it???? What a fabulous 4:30am wake up call. I awoke to the windows rattling and my bed shaking, my half-asleep mind instantly clued in that it was an earthquake. WTF? I remember getting up once everything had stilled and I looked out the living room window, I guess to see if there was any visible damage, I then turned on the TV, although the news was not on yet. As I drove into work today, the radio stations were all talking about it, confirming it registered at 5.2 on the Richter Scale. So, no major damage, but a bit freakin nonetheless! All morning I have been telling all of my reviewers in Pennsylvania about our harrowing morning (trying to earn the managed care company some sympathy, dontcha know!). HAPPY FRIDAY! See the link below for the full story......

Wow....did ya feel that? We just had an aftershock. I thought I was just having a dizzy spell or something, but no, the office building really was shaking.....our boss is laughing at us because she used to live in California so she is something of an expert on earthquakes. But as Mike pointed out, us Midwesterners are not so much. We're real skurrrrrred. Hold me.

So, Book Club was fun last night. We are anxiously awaiting our trip to Chicago next weekend. IKEA BABY! We have an itinerary, nicely typed up by our Book Club secretary, Maggie. Get this, four of us are renting a van for this trip-apparently there are plans to buy out the store....

As for this weekend, there will be some fun, but the fun will be sandwiched by lots of working. I'm working at the crisis line tonight and Sunday. That, and dodging fault lines.

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