Friday, April 04, 2008


It's Friday, it's Friday! Yay yay for Friday! Ah, another work week is just about over. Not that this week has been a bad one, mind you, but Friday is ALWAYS exciting.

So, I'm sitting here in the office freezing today. I don't know why because no one else is. My co-worker Paulette brought me her quilt she keeps in her cubicle and wrapped me up in it, so I am now prancing around the office with a blankie wrapped around least I'm warm now. :)

Ok, I'm not one to complain about gas prices because, lets face it, gasoline is a necessary evil. Yet, forgive me for nearly having a heart attack this morning when I filled my little car up and the total was $46.00. FOURTY-SIX DOLLARS? For a little teeny tiny Mazda 3? Are you frickin' kidding me?????? I don't know what the prices are in the rest of the country, but here in the good ol' STL, it's currently at $3.29. Ouch. Moving on.......
Work is quiet without Mike. Hope you're having fun in San Diego Mikey!

What is everyone doing this weekend? I think we are supposed to be scrapbooking at Maggie's tomorrow, although I haven't heard back from her. Maybe I'll just show up. Then I think Erin and I are going out tomorrow night, you know, like we actually have social lives and stuff. Sunday I'm putting in five hours at the crisis line. Good times, good times. The fun never ends around here, party people!

Well, better go. I gotta call my favorite Asian nun in Pennsylvania. She's good times. Me and my blankie wish you all a good day and a good weekend. Oh, and.....GO CUBS. Peace, I'm out.

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