Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dear rain

Dear Rain,

I am writing you to let you know that I am, how can I put this nicely....I am SICK OF YOU. There, I said it. Yes, I know you are necessary to make things like the grass, trees, and flowers grow (all of which I'm allergic to, by the way), but you are stopping by WAY too often. I mean, for every ONE sunny day we get, we have approximately TEN rainy days. And, quite frankly, that's not a ratio I'm down with. And today you've brought your little friends Hail and High Winds with you. Uh, tell them to go home. They're not welcome here in the STL. If you could be so kind as to visit another region of the country soon, that would be great......thanks. I'm tired of big hair days because of the misty weather conditions, I'm tired of practically swimming on my way to work, I'm tired of the icky blah feeling one gets when it's been raining for a week straight. No wonder the rate of depression is so high in the Northwest states....

In protest of you, Rain, I am putting my jammies back on and sitting on my couch the rest of the day watching mindless TV and reading, all while being snuggled up with my blankies. Take that, Rain! I'll show you who's boss! If you could come back around July or August, that would be great though. Thanks for listening Rain. I'm sure someday we'll be able to be friends again, but for now, I think it's best we took a break.


Tired of the Rain in Missouri

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