Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Say it ain't so Gutes! Say it ain't so!!!!

NO! They got rid of Gutes last night on Dancing With The Stars!!!!! And just when I was starting to like him......oh well. Not that I watched, mind you, as I was slaving away at the crisis line (and by "slaving away" I mean shamelessly messaging DT every two minutes and talking with Tanya about the t-shirt printing company we are gonna start just as soon as Allison brings in that printing press. By the way Tanya-Amy Henson LOVES your t-shirt idea, you know "I Heart Thumb Access". Brilliant!). I hear American Idol was kinda boring. I mean, DUH!!! Whose bright idea was it to base an ENTIRE show on Dolly Parton songs? I mean, seriously???? The only thing that could have made it halfway interesting would have been to bring up Kenny "my face doesn't move because I've had WAAAAY too much plastic surgery" Rogers and have him and someone belt out some "Islands In The Stream". Now THAT would be entertaining. Look at this guy! Kenny, what happened? I'm a little scared right now and I need someone to hold me........

So, I'm heading to Busch Stadium tonight with Erin for our first of five games we've purchased. It is gonna be butt-nutty cold outside tonight as this morning it was only in the 30's. Ick. We are taking the Metrolink to the game which is so urban of us, isn't it???? Actually it's because I am too cheap to pay for parking. $2 for the Metrolink? Sign me up.

Happy Birthday today to my dear, dear friend Elizabeth (AKA Lizzard). Lizzard, I hope you have a GREAT, wonderful, fantastic day today. I miss you soooooooo much and love ya lots!!!!!!

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