Saturday, April 05, 2008

Here comes the do do do......

Are my eyes playing tricks on me, or is that the SUN shining bright outside my window??? OMG, I feel like I haven't seen the sun in a month (I think it actually has been that long). It's supposed to be near 70 degrees today. LOVE IT! Hopefully, spring has finally sprung.

This one is not my fault-I swear. So, last night while taking my much deserved bubble bath, I discovered this huge bruise on my ankle-complete with a big cut. Now, I totally do not remember ever incurring this injury. I racked my brain trying to remember what I possibly could have done and came up with nothing. What the hell? I don't think it counts as an injury if I don't remember doing it. My precious Canadian says it's time for my padded room (for my own protection). He did say it could be pink if I wanted it to be, so I'm ok with that........

Happy Saturday! I'm gonna go meet up with my Book Club girls around noon or so for an afternoon of scrapbooking. Then, I was bullied by my hairdresser to attend her wine party at 5pm (literally, she was on the phone with her mom, who works with me, and demanded her mom put me on the phone. I'm kinda scared of her, so I'd best stop by.....). Then Erin and I (and possibly some of her other girl friends) are going out. One of my friends from grade school messaged me on MySpace yesterday and said she was in town this weekend so I may try to see her tonight as well. Good times!!!!

Gotta live it up today because tomorrow I'm working at the crisis line. Not the ideal way to spend your Sunday, but at least the people that work on Sunday's are good times!!!!

Later party people!

Mike, I hope you are having fun in San Diego!

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