Friday, April 25, 2008

They say change is good. I sometimes tend to disagree. I don't always adapt to change well. I like to be on a schedule, perhaps it's the OCD in me (which helps me do well at my job actually). There are many, MANY, changes happening at work right now. So many, in fact, I have a hard time keeping up, a hard time adjusting before yet another change occurs. The good news is, I still have a job, at least for today, so I really can't complain too much. One of the things I have always liked about my job is that it's predictable-I go in, do my job, I know what to expect, I go home. Not the case nowadays, however, and it's throwing me for a loop. They say change is good. I'm not so sure. And then I got all hacked off about something today and Amy Henson had to calm me down. Now, I don't get truly angry often (irritated, yes; angry, no), but today I was angry and when I'm angry I cry. No, I haven't cried yet but the day is young.............Actually, I must learn to let go the things I have no control over and just get over it.

We are having yet another food day today-this time is all breakfast, all the time. I am up to my eyeballs in quiche (with bacon-YUM!) and powdered donuts. I have been at work since 6:30am (so I can leave early today), I'm well fed, caffeinated, I'm ready to go!

We are driving to Chi-town today after work-IKEA, here we come! I am super excited about our trip (I love a good road trip!). It's a good time to get the heck out of dodge, hang with some of my girlfriends and do some retail therapy (my favorite kind). We've got our mini van rented (with the stow and go seating, dontcha know!), or itinerary typed (literally), CD's burned specifically for the road trip, and good ol' KD in charge of the quote list documentation. I think we're ready to go! Only 5 more hours of work to go............ :)

I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend. Is it supposed to be nice here? I think it's gonna be like 80 degrees today. It's gonna be a bit chillier in Chicago, I'm afraid, but that's ok, I don't care!

Mikey Poo-Remember that I love you and that you are one of my favoritest friends EVER, even when you're being an a-hole. ;)

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