Thursday, April 24, 2008

10,000 wins baby!!!!

The Cubbies won their 10,000th game as a franchise last night. More importantly, they beat the Rockies and improved their record to 15-6 and widened their lead in the NL Central. Oh yea, and did I mention that they are tied with the D'Backs for the BEST RECORD IN BASEBALL? Not that I'm excited, mind you.

I got to talk to my baby brother on the phone last night, that was some good times. Had to congratulate him on his promotion at Wal-Mart, the kiddo is moving up in the world! I got to talk to both my siblings this week-that made me happy! I miss them both so much.

Ugh, seasonal allergies rear their ugly head today. It's days like today when I really don't dig living in the nature capital of the world. Yes, the trees and flowers are pretty, but they make me sick. Today I woke up with a sore throat, my ears ache, I'm Sneezy Sneezerson and Amy Henson has doped me up on Sudafed. Good times will be had by all. At least tomorrow is Friday and I'm heading for........Chicago! One of my favoritest places EVER!

Ok, so I hear Carly got the boot on American Idol last night. Now, I'm not necessarily a big fan of hers, but there are people WAY crappier than her still on the show (Brooke White, anyone????). Whatever, America. At least my man David Cook is still on and we'll get to hear him sing another week. YAY!

Ok, I gotta go. I think the Sudafed is kicking in because my head feels like it's swimming right now......KD high on allergy meds is a GOOD TIME. You're sad you're missing it, aren't you?

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